Tuesday, September 13, 2011

May the Force be with you!

In an effort to enrich my young children's lives I have decided to expose them to the "dark side" ok, just Star Wars movies. We are on a family marathon watching them in order of story telling not production and they love them!  It's a great time together. We did an origami project in honor of being halfway through the series. Hope you enjoy!

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email Kip

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fishing with my favorites

As most of you know I love fishing, but did you know I love my girls more! So fishing + my girls = a perfect day. They also caught their first fish this day! perfection.

Kip's website

email Kip

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Catching up with the rest of the world.

I recently find myself with some extra time to catch up with the rest of the world. Planking, better late than never. What to do now? (stocking.)

Kip's website

email Kip

Monday, June 20, 2011

Signs III

The third edition of "Signs" These signs have been removed. They live on forever in this post. Enjoy, more to come.

Kip's website

email Kip

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

hear me roar!

I was recently tested on my ability to hunt my own dinner at a festival in a local state park. They offered hatchet throwing and spear throwing practice. Let me tell you, we are not gonna be hungry!

Also take notice of the two hatchets on the ground. Those were in the target as well until one hit the other! SIX on the target, unheard of folks. ROAR!

Kip's website

email Kip