Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Postin the posters 1.27

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Postin the posters 1.26

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Postin the posters 1.25

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Postin the posters 1.24

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Steve Carsella -designer
Larry Moore - illustrator

Poster designed for the Orlando Opera. Snagged this at a paper show. Asian influence in the design is so elegant and fluid, the circles are soothing as well.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Postin the posters 1.23

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Vote Series

No need to put on your 3D glasses, however if you wanna wear them today, no problem, rock it! I like the simplicity of this design and of course who doesn't love 3D?

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Postin the posters 1.22

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Tymn Armstrong designer

This poster was a redesign of a poster Tymn, Josh and I made when we worked together in The Department. Not a friendly place, but great friends were made there in the trenches. 

Follow the Rules.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Postin the posters 1.21

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Charles S. Anderson designer - French Paper

Oh how sweet this is! I've never had the heart or nerve to punch out the paper package designs and fold them. I could never rip apart true art!  Plus it stores so much better flat!  

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Postin the posters 1.20

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

VOTE series

Do you see the subliminal message? Does it make you hungry? Want donuts? NO People, it's suppose to make you think about your vote, don't just roll over and pick the thing everyone is picking. Use your skull and get an opinion you feel passionate about! Revolution!  Ok, now time for donuts...

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Postin the posters 1.19

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

VOTE series

Of course I like this because of the pencil, since that is my favorite tool. Just another poster in my collection, it's fun and playful!

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Postin the posters 1.18

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

VOTE series

Nice refreshing design, not so serious and militant as the other posters in this "Vote Series" plus who doesn't love fishing!?

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pencil Power - Mermaid

"Pencil Power"      (all illustrations are original and retain copyright)

The pencil is a powerful tool. So simple in nature and easy to use, so readily available. It allows ideas to happen almost instantly. It is a natural extension of the hand or mind for that matter.

I carry a pencil everywhere I go. I scribble on whatever is in reach when the thought comes. I've been told not to save, hoard, and store all of this genius. So in the freedom of free play I invite you to the yard for a lil show n' tell. -Kip Williams

"Mermaid"  Swim School

This concept art was for a North Central Florida swim school owned and operated by a live mermaid. 

The illustration was designed to reflect the owner's past history as a mermaid and involvement in Weeki Wachee a theme park in Spring Hill, Florida. Home of the world famous live mermaid show.

Kip's website                    email Kip

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Postin the posters 1.17

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Invisible Creature

A gift from Tymn Armstrong sent via snail mail in a tube of joy! Loved opening that days' delivery.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Postin the posters 1.16

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Steve Carsella -designer
Larry Moore - illustrator

Poster designed for the Orlando Opera. Snagged this beauty at a paper show. Love that his beard is highlighted as well as his hair. I have no idea who the guy is, but then again I'm not in to Opera. (Could it be Frederick Douglas?) Feel free to guess.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Postin the posters 1.15

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

by: Steff Geissbuhler

Grabbed this one at an Atlanta AIGA when I saw Steff speak. He shared about what makes a great mark. I was particularly curious in hearing his thoughts since his work was a case study in one of my first design books ever owned. Definitely a keeper, the poster that is.

"Nothing dulls faster than the cutting edge" -Steff Geissbuhler

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Postin the posters 1.14

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Done for Alta Printing

A great print shop in Gainseville Florida, one that I've used on many occasions produced this poster. I like  the fact that the art looks like an original pen and ink piece and on the back of this one is the Alta newsletter on heavy stock. It's a keeper people!

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Postin the posters 1.13

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Charles S. Anderson

Another beauty in the French paper series by Mr. Anderson! I just dig the thermographic ink on all of these and the subject matter is entertaining and so well done.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Postin the posters 1.12

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Vote Series

Voting is to die for. Impacting. Desperate. I believe that we take the right to vote for granted here in the states and in other parts of the world people are still fighting for their right to vote and be heard. When is the last time you went to the polls? Did you understand what you were voting for, and the sacrifices that were made for that privilege?

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pencil Power - Show n' Tell part.2

"Pencil Power"      (all illustrations are original and retain copyright)

The pencil is a powerful tool. So simple in nature and easy to use, so readily available. It allows ideas to happen almost instantly. It is a natural extension of the hand or mind for that matter.

I carry a pencil everywhere I go. I scribble on whatever is in reach when the thought comes. I've been told not to save, hoard, and store all of this genius. So in the freedom of free play I invite you to the yard for a lil show n' tell. -Kip Williams

Addy Blues show 2008

Fish sign


Kip's website                    email Kip

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Postin the posters 1.11

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Hatch Show Print

Jack Daniels goes well with pork and so does Hatch and just about any piece of paper. Get your napkins out, cause your gonna drool over this one. I love the vertical stacking of the type.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Postin the posters 1.10

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Tymn Armstrong

My good buddy Tymn did a stellar job designing this poster to promote the ebook done for Space Dog Design. The ebook of Treasure Island took the good ole favorite and spun it into an ebook for the new kids on the block. I like the silver and gold ink on this solid black paper, so excited when I got my copy in the mail. Thanks Tymn.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pencil Power - Powered by the Tongue

"Pencil Power"      (all illustrations are original and retain copyright)

The pencil is a powerful tool. So simple in nature and easy to use, so readily available. It allows ideas to happen almost instantly. It is a natural extension of the hand or mind for that matter.

I carry a pencil everywhere I go. I scribble on whatever is in reach when the thought comes. I've been told not to save, hoard, and store all of this genius. So in the freedom of free play I invite you to the yard for a lil show n' tell. -Kip Williams

"Powered by the Tongue"  Pinnacle Magazine

This concept art was for the cover story for Pinnacle Magazine for Shepherd Center. 

The illustration was to communicate (no pun intended) with the tongue to objects that they couldn't control other wise. A sensor would be put in the tongue and the user would touch various teeth to perform tasks. Controlling lights, television, wheel chair, or a even a computer.

The tongue being the most powerful muscle in the body I'd say that this is genius!

Kip's website                    email Kip

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Postin' the posters 1.9

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Karen Goheen from Two Arms Inc.

The Red Creeper is based on a HG Wells' novel War of the Worlds. Simple, I like the light red ink on the red paper and the floral art is great. Karen taught me how to silk screen when I visited Lure Design in Orlando. 
Thanks Karen! 
Sincerely, Grasshopper.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Postin the posters 1.8

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

VOTE series

This poster makes me wanna do something naughty. Bombs, pills, and pregnancy! Wow, I should vote!
(hey I see some cameras, crosses, cows, and recycling) whatdoya see?

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pencil Power - Dr. Deadline

"Pencil Power"      (all illustrations are original and retain copyright)

The pencil is a powerful tool. So simple in nature and easy to use, so readily available. It allows ideas to happen almost instantly. It is a natural extension of the hand or mind for that matter. 

I carry a pencil everywhere I go. I scribble on whatever is in reach when the thought comes. I've been told not to save, hoard, and store all of this genius. So in the freedom of free play I invite you to the yard for a lil show n' tell.  -Kip Williams

"Dr. Deadline" ADDY Show 2005

He's here to save the day! Or better yet, the deadline. If you are in the Advertising world you know well that a super hero in our industry would definitely keep the deadline in check. However, we all know that super heroes aren't real and client's personal agendas are.

This fictional (yet dreamy) character was invented as part of a cast for the local Addy Awards in Ocala, FL. The other cast were "Miss Print" and "Captain Creative."  The entire show was a comic book themed event with even the award trophies dawning golden capes.

"To the creative cave!"

Kip's website                email Kip

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Postin the posters 1.7

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

How Design conference swag

Another print that is being stored in my dark basement, a survivor of the flood. Long live the print!

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Postin the posters 1.6

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

VOTE series

Do you see the person? What's he saying? VOTE?  deep. Fun typography.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pencil Power - Melody Valve

"Pencil Power"      (all illustrations are original and retain copyright)

The pencil is a powerful tool. So simple in nature and easy to use, so readily available. It allows ideas to happen almost instantly. It is a natural extension of the hand or mind for that matter.

I carry a pencil everywhere I go. I scribble on whatever is in reach when the thought comes. I've been told not to save, hoard, and store all of this genius. So in the freedom of free play I invite you to the yard for a lil show n' tell. -Kip Williams

 "Melody Valve" peds magazine

Concept art for the cover and feature spread in peds Magazine for Children's Hospital of Atlanta.

The noninvasive heart procedure used a valve called the melody valve. The heart valve could be placed through a catheter thus avoiding the open heart surgery. That is music to my ears and my valves work properly.

Kip's website                      email Kip

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Postin the posters 1.5

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Steve Carsella -designer
Larry Moore - illustrator

Poster designed for the Orlando Opera. Snagged this beauty at a paper show. Love that his beard is highlighted as well as his hair. I have no idea who the guy is, but then again I'm not in to Opera. (Could it be Frederick Douglas?) Feel free to guess.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Postin the posters 1.4

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Type Director's Club Call for Entries Poster

At last Z beats A. Didn't you hate being called last of the list and always being at the end of the lunch line since your name started with a letter near the end of the alphabet? Yeah that's enough to tick Z off pretty bad! Well it's about time A got it's butt kicked and hard!

At last Z beats A.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pencil Power- Tooth Straight

"Pencil Power"      (all illustrations are original and retain copyright)

The pencil is a powerful tool. So simple in nature and easy to use, so readily available. It allows ideas to happen almost instantly. It is a natural extension of the hand or mind for that matter. 

I carry a pencil everywhere I go. I scribble on whatever is in reach when the thought comes. I've been told not to save, hoard, and store all of this genius. So in the freedom of free play I invite you to the yard for a lil show n' tell. -Kip Williams

"Tooth Straight" A perfect smile in every visit. 

Like the snake oil of the old days I envisioned this bottled solution being handed out for a small fee off the back of a wagon that rolled in and out of town with the wind. The cork stopper so temporary since the straightener would be emptied in no time.

Dr. Jones Orthodontics, the client, is a fun practice that focuses on children and the office has the Willy Wonka factory of magic type of feel to it. This art was a concept for an advertisement, that went on to be a t-shirt and poster for the office. Guess the Dr. wanted a few more bottles after the first.

Kip's website                              email Kip

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Postin the posters 1.3

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Charles S. Anderson

This was in the pack with Mr. Slick, done for French Paper. How could you not love Cream of Meat!?

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Postin the posters 1.2

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

50 Books 50 Covers at Juicy Temples in Orlando for AIGA. Love the simplicity of the black ink on paper.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pencil Power - Introduction

The pencil is a powerful tool. So simple in nature and easy to use, so readily available. It allows ideas to happen almost instantly. It is a natural extension of the hand or mind for that matter. 

I carry a pencil everywhere I go. I scribble on whatever is in reach when the thought comes. I've been told not to save, hoard, and store all of this genius. So in the freedom of free play I invite you to the yard for a lil show n' tell.     -Kip Williams

"Pencil Power"      (all illustrations are original and retain copyright)

Attack of the 80's

Thanksgiving corn

Oviedo water tower (Duda Sod)

Pentapus  (5 yr. anniversary t-shirt)

Kip's website                     email Kip

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Postin the posters 1.1

This will be a bi-weekly post of posters that I have collected. Hope you enjoy them. Need to see them all in one neat little package?  Visit Pinterest.

Hatch show print

Went to Nashville, TN snagged this limited edition off the press during my VIP tour of Hatch Show Print. What an honor to smell the ink, sniff sniff.

Kip's website                                                                      email Kip

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I want to be an Illustrator when I grow up.

My dream used to be a pro athlete, then an artist, once it was a pastor. I came across this book my parents purchased for me when I was about 5 or 6. I remember reading it and dreaming of being an illustrator. I hope you enjoy "reading" it as well. I have now passed it on to my youngest daughter who also has the gift of dreaming in pencil.
Published in 1970.

Kip's website                                           email Kip